Infor Visual ERP Delivery Partner


Infor Services Partner


Is it time for a DO-OVER with Visual ERP?

Sometimes, I claim I want a do-over when playing sports, cards or attempting something new.  Do you sometimes wish this option was available? Googling the term I found the following: “An opportunity to do something again or repeat it, especially when it did not turn out well the first time.” Well, that sounds good to me.

What about a do-over with Visual ERP?  When companies implement Visual ERP, they only know so much about Visual and how it can be used effectively for their business. You don’t get the real feel or deep understanding until you have been running Visual for a few years. Other times, the structure of the business changes.  It could be products, customers, manufacturing process or management to mention a few.  There are times that in Visual ERP, a do-over might be helpful. 

Commonly, referred to as a reimplementation this is a great way to start over.  Imagine the benefits:

  • A smaller database which could improve performance in so many areas (reports, costing, scheduling etc.).
  • Tossing out all the old data. Do you really need to maintain that level of detail?
  • Even better tossing out all the bad data. You can compare this to tossing all the garbage that you store in the basement or your garage.
  • Removing customer, vendors, resources and parts.
  • Option to change a setting that is not longer applicable.  (i.e. Do you want to change your costing method, tracking currencies or landed cost functionality)? 

Now if you are going to go this approach, you may want to make sure you start with a spanking clean new database. How can you do this? Well recently, we have had a couple of companies use the Deep Dive tool to get ready for a reimplementation. Using these easy fixes will give you time to focus on other aspects of your Visual reimplementation. If you want to know more about what aspects of Deep Dive can help, click on this link to view a short video.